26 December 2008


I know I haven't been writing much lately. I won't bore you with excuses. I have a feeling that will change sometime soon. The stories that inspire this blog are coming back with new chapters. Soon we will find out if the O6 will get back, and how Jeremy Bentham died; we'll find out the identity of the 5th Cylon and what happened to Earth. Jack is coming back, and so is (Coletta Factor: promo for new 24) Tony Almeida! 24 will feature none other than Tony Todd, who, aside from numerous awesomely memorable roles on Star Trek, will forever be remembered as that bayou-born slasher from the beyond, Candyman. Barack Obama will be inaugurated, and the inevitable conflict begins: the progressives who feel they are owed the world because of the Bush years will resist all of Obama's moves toward the center.

Christmas? Oh, Christmas was awesome. Saw my family, my girlfriend's family, who absolutely loved me, natch, got some good christmas loot: a new journal, a book or two, a jigsaw puzzle based on the Valenzetti Equation. Had some awesome food, got a stocking full of candy.

Ok, next time: The real life Jeremy Bentham created a type of prison called the Panopticon, the purpose of which is to make all prisoners visible to an observer at all times, creating the "sentiment of an invisible omniscience. Read about it here.


Iroquois Pliskin said...

Hey Dr. Toaster!

Meeeery Xmas to you! Glad you and the ladyfriend are getting along well out there, and I hope the job search is mad fruitful. (Sorry about your hands!)

I'm going out of town for two weeks and BSG will be awaiting on my arrival. Huzzah!

Also, don't buy that PS3 garbage. Xbox is where it's at, and you can hook it up to the internets, at which time we will play Left 4 Dead together. It's a 4-player cooperative fast zombie apocalypse shooter. Sold!

a bonsai said...

thank you for the link to the Panopticon. Why of all names did Locke use Bentham as a pseudonym? i find it strange to think Locke would have created any thing like the prison described, and if he did, for what group?