So. In one timeline we have a big hole in the ground, a pocket of electromagnetic energy, a hydrogen bomb, and one almost certainly dead fertility specialist, Juliet, whose detonation of the bomb left millions questioning over the hot, boring summer the nature of time travel, pondering whether you can change the past when you visit it or just play a role, ignorant of all that will happen, powerless to change your future.
In another timeline we have a man in black, wearing the disguise of a dead man's identity. The dead man, all his life he felt he was destined for something bigger, something more than the below average hand he'd been dealt, and the man in black, sensing desperation, knowing how badly the dead man wanted to believe, preyed upon him, told him he was special, led him down the path of his own destruction. The dead man was conned, not just by the father who stole his kidney, but by a devil claiming angelhood. And now the man in black has won. His rival is dead, thrown into the fire by his once most loyal disciple, whose doubts the man in black used to suit his own needs. This is inside the statue. Outside, in the shadow of the statue, those loyal to the rival of the man in black have just discovered that the dead man, he has not risen, and the man claiming to be himself is an impostor. The impostor, the man in black, has no name that we know, but his rival does; his name is Jacob. Not much is known about Jacob. We know that Jacob loves you, and we know that God loves you as he loved Jacob, and we know that Jacob made lists, and we know Jacob's last words, as his lifeblood was dripping out of him, before he was kicked into the fire like so much kindling: "They're coming."
Thus the stage is set for the final act. We've read books, we've heard music, we've studied names from the past, we've examined minutiae and theorized endlessly, but all of that is secondary to this: we've followed an extraordinary set of characters through their amazing, karmic, sometimes redemptive stories. We've seen through them how our lives are the sum of our experience, how every moment in our life has led us to this moment and this moment alone. We've seen that moment in their lives when their flaws are on display and never redeemed. The telling of this story has been a monumental achievement in writing before all. Is it going to end well? That depends. Some will hate it, of course. Some will love it. Some are worried even now that they will be disappointed, but I'm not worried. Life has jagged edges sometimes, I know this well, but these writers have not let me down before, and I trust them to listen to the characters and give them the endings they deserve.
Sure I have questions I want answered, but I know that the answers are never as much fun as thinking about the questions, and I know that ultimately the story is about the people in it, and I look forward to seeing these people finish their journey.
Sure I have questions I want answered, but I know that the answers are never as much fun as thinking about the questions, and I know that ultimately the story is about the people in it, and I look forward to seeing these people finish their journey.
well said. the questions and the surprises are fun. --such as mr. opponent in a big game of backgammon. i'm eager to see how the nemesis of Jacob and jacob's followers battle things out. i'm curious to see if Whitmore, Ben and Richard have any more to offer. Will Ben leave the island? and is jacob absolute good? or is he just good in the eyes of those that believe in him..the way religion serves its followers.
ps. i like the quote from ben.
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