23 October 2010

This used to be so easy....

I would just sit down and the words would flow out of my hands with hardly any input from me. The gunslinger would understand; the curtain comes down and the hands take over and work on their own. Now, I can't think of anything to say. It's a fucking chore is what it is. Am I bored? Complacent? Out of practice? Have my 35 years made me dumb? Have I grown soft on wicked rock bands and horror movies?


onswah said...

I find with any creative endeavor I always hit wall. Always. No matter how much I love what I'm doing. Here's my method:
Try having a set time everyday, every other day or once a week. Put the time on a calendar or a post-it on your door and just do it regularly.

a bonsai said...

i agree with onswah.

the other is stimulation of the thing you like to do.

in other words, before you set out to write a blog, read a few blogs in the area of your interests. or else lay down in the dark for a bit and let your mind wander.

and tell your girl friend to bugger off!