26 November 2008

What my left hand looked like, or why I went to the Emergency room on a Sunday morning...

It actually looked a little worse. My fingers got all swollen and the skin on them was glowing a cherry red. There was so much oozy stuff coming out of the pores that I had to rinse it in cold water every 5 minutes. This had been an ongoing situation since at least my birthday this year. It also happened 2 winters ago. It had been bad, but the last three days before I went to the ER were torture. I didn't play Guitar Hero at all, and I couldn't type. That's one of the reasons you haven't heard from me in a while.
Why did this happen, you ask? Well, it seems that the device in the mop sink at work that regulates the concentration of the sanitizer solution has been on the fritz, dispensing it at twice the recommended amount.


Rose Hips said...

You should write a country song about it.

a bonsai said...

i am glad you went to the E.R.

and that your hand was not infected.

i would like to know if the coffee bosses are as concerened with Occupational Health And Safety as they do the promotion of blends.