29 September 2009

Lost timeline reset would be a terrible idea, says local blogger

BOSTON- Oceanic Flight 815 has to stay crashed in the final season of Lost, says F. Toaster, a local man who, owing to the fact that he was able to secure a space on a free, open to the public blog hosting site, has very important opinions.

"It would just gut the show," said Toaster, "for Jughead's explosion to reset the timeline of the show to where the plane never crashed at all. It would just be really stupid. Whatever happened, happened, right? Right?"


a.bonsia said...

"what ever happened, happened."

i would feel cheated if the crash never happened. And i would be disappointed if the writers suddenly lost all creativity and sabotaged 6 years of originality for an ending that has been done too often.

Unknown said...

Soon we will find out dear toaster! Standard evening arrangement?