24 May 2008

Adventures in Allston, part 6

I was walking down Brighton Ave tonight when a young couple approached. As I got closer, the girl jumped up on her boyfriend's back, piggy-back style. He hoisted her and took a few steps, looking at me, and said, "Dude, look how fat she is." The look in his eyes and his smirk told me that I was expected to find this hilarious, this guy insulting his girlfriend in front of a complete stranger.
Why is it funny? Why would you say something like that? Don't you have any respect for this woman, or any woman? Didn't your father ever tell you how to be a gentleman?


a bonsai said...
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a bonsai said...

the police never fail to humiliate and tell a girl the parameters.

thank you for not being one of them.

p.s. the previous comment was deleted because i missed a word.