02 September 2008

Katrina to Gustav, or my 100th post

I've had 1 or 2 serious girlfriends in my life, and I'm lived with quite a few women as roommates, but I've never lived with a girlfriend until this minute. That's pretty big. It's also pretty awesome. Also awesome were all the sunny days we spent together on the porch this summer over coffee and cigarettes, and the Harry Potter stories, which kept my brain afloat before, during and after the daily dose of dehumanization and despair that I call, simply, "work." Work is not awesome. Also not awesome was all the time and energy we put into finding a third roommate. I'll thank you not to mention the Friday from hell which involved putting my cat in a box and taking her on the bus, plastic tarpaulins, poison all over the kitchen, a job interview, two roomie screenings/showings, and a doctor's appointment to boot. Only good thing about that Friday: White Noise 2, starring Mal Reynolds and Kara Thrace.

Where was I? Oh, yeah, stress. I'm under a bit of it now. I'm in love with her, and so glad we're living together, but every other damn thing in my life is unsettled and unsettling. I could lose my shit at any time during my workday, tear off that silly apron, and walk away feeling like a million bucks. But I won't do that.

I'm not really telling you all this to be an emotional exhibitionist, but it affects you, Dear Reader, because I find it very hard to write under these conditions, and I've found that ideas don't sit in my head for too long without going stale. If I don't write it right away, it gets away, squirming and writhing down the drain.

Last week, I thought I'd write about Joe Biden. You remember Biden; I told you he should and would be picked for the Dems' VP nod, just a few days before he was picked. One thing I found out about Biden is that he had a stutter when he was a kid, and that his mom told him that it was because he was so bright and couldn't get the words out in time. I, too, had a stutter when I was a kid. One thing that Biden did not tell you, anyone that had a stutter when he was a kid has one even now. Most folks find a way to compensate for it, to keep it hidden. This is done by a process of natural selction. If a kid with a stutter wants to make it to adulthood with any self-esteem intact, he'd better find a way to hide it from all the kids who mockingly imitate him on the playground or in the classroom.

I've wanted to keep you updated on the progress of my volunteer assessment with the Dharma Initiative. They're still looking for volunteers, by the way. If you want to change the world, here's a portkey: Dharma Wants You There really hasn't been much to tell you on that front. though. Two simple tests, no hidden messages or risky secret assignments.

I started working on a video post, a short film about one of the greatest spoilers of all time. I won't tell you what it is, but I will tell you that it happens on the Lightning-Struck Tower, and that the incantation 'avada kedavra' is used.

This is a pretty long post, and I think it's best to keep them relatively short so people won't tune out when they see it will take them longer than 30 seconds to read. You're welcome, MTV generation.

So, anyway, this has been my 100th post. Stick with me for the next 100 and then you can brag to your friends that you were reading me before anyone heard of me.

PS: this is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated. (Thanks Mitch Hedberg!)


a bonsai said...

personally, i love the long posts. :)

i appreciated that you said, "I've found that ideas don't sit in my head for too long without going stale. If I don't write it right away, it gets away, *squirming and writhing down the drain.* " because i have the same issues and its a relief to know that stress is what breaks up the creative process. Also, I love that i can visualize the sensation of frustration.

"Either way. I'm in awe of you.
Either way. We'll survive." james. 'of monsters, heroes and men'

Anonymous said...

Sweet blog! Long time personal fan, first time reader, but I am excited to see you being so creative while using your writing talents. Good stuff all around. I see that you predicted Joe Biden would be picked before Obama announced it. Are we to assume that you have developed the power of divination? If so, then tell me my proselytizing prophet- Who am I?

Brian O'Blivion said...

Anonymous, I have tried to apply my intellect and instinct to the question of your identity. I tried to use info from google analytics, which tracks times, dates, and places of my visitors, but there's only info up to yesterday available at the moment, so I can't see your visit on there, but you left a few clues. You say you're a longtime fan, and that you think I have writing talents. (Thank you.) This tells me that you are someone I know from the old days, because it's been a long time since anyone read something I wrote other than this blog. Seeing that my real name is nowhere on the blog, I or someone I know must have told you about it. My guess is that you are Leslie, and Beth told you about it. If I'm right, awesome, but if I am wrong, give me another clue and I will pair it with the google analytics data and take another guess. I like this game!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I thought that you would enjoy this game and you are half right, but I am not Leslie
I am just here, working out my dharma.
Speaking of which, in the video announcement from the "Dharma wants you"
you can see some images in the back. There is an image of a black swan and two letters "B" and "P"

I don´t know what it means, but maybe you´ll know

p.s. Why do they call it a red herring?

Brian O'Blivion said...

I am stumped. I'm sure that you saying that you are here, working out your dharma is a clue. When you say I am half right, I imagine that it means that Beth told you about my blog. I am sure you are not Nate, because he does not watch Lost and would not play the Dharma game. I thought you were Leslie because your initial comment was very well worded. I admit, I am unable to make a guess based on the available info. Let me ask you a couple of questions: Is it true that you have never visited my site before now? Did you know me when I was a drunk? Was it Beth that told you? I could rattle off a few names and maybe hit on the right one, but that would be no fun. I want to make each guess count. Here's a good question: When was the last time we spoke to each other? Saw each other?

Brian O'Blivion said...

p.s. Not sure what BP means, but I'm sure it will be clear to us in due time. As for red herring, here's a portkey that will clear it up : Red Herring

Brian O'Blivion said...

Google Analytics gave you away, Nick...

Unknown said...

Cheater! Now you've spoiled the game. We could have played for days. I forgot to sign out of my google account before the last time that I posted. My final clue was going to be "not penny's boat." That would have given it away, would it not? Oh well, the best laid plans of mice and men...So, how do you use google analytics, anyway?

Brian O'Blivion said...

I am not a cheater; I had no idea you didn't sign out of your google account. All your comments were posted as anonymous. In fact, it was Jodi that made you. She suggested that maybe it was you, then when I looked at the analytics, sure enough, two visits in the last 24 hours from your town, which shall remain nameless because I don't like to have identifying features on my site. Anyway, if you have a google account, you can get analytics for free. You tell it the address of your site and it will give you reports on just about everything. Where people visit from, how long they stay, how many are new vs. returning, etc ad infinitum. It's meant more for business websites, but still useful and interesting for a blog. By the way, if you have a blogger profile, does that mean you're starting a blog? If so, send me a portkey so I can see it. Also, your profile is private by default; you have to set it to public view if you want anyone to see it. Thanks for reading my blog.

Unknown said...

I have not set up a google blog but I do have a mini-blog on my myspace page. Go to


The blogs are listed just below the music....

Talk to you soon....