30 April 2008

John McCain won't throw a hat on a bed.

So, it's been a while since I wrote. Things have been moving right along, or more specifically, I'm moving right along, back to Cambridge. I've fallen for a certain red-headed pixie, and I'm happy to say I haven't been this happy in a number of years. Lost is winding up its 4th season, and Battlestar Galactica is wrapping up its 4th and final season, and the trees are budding, the days are getting sunnier.
Life is good.
A bit of housekeeping: I do write about Lost and BSG a bit, and some of my readers may not be caught up. I certainly wouldn't want to spoil anyone, so I will now offer a new feature on my blog: the Coletta Factor. When appropriate, at the beginning of a post, I will incude the Coletta factor like this: Lost-S2. That means that if you haven't seen up to season 2 of Lost, you will be spoiled. Often the Coletta factor will look like this: BSG-current, meaning you need to be caught up with all aired episodes or else you will be spoiled. I won't call these spoiler alerts, because a spoiler is a nugget of info about something that has not been aired or released to the general public, and I don't seek out, look at, or distribute spoilers. Also, this is not a TV blog. This is a place where I can write about the people, real-life and fictional, whose stories intersect with mine. One of these people is the namesake of the factor, indeed it is at her request that I give these advisories.

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